Via giandujakiss, here is an excellent blog post about the (over)use of rape/sexual assault in fiction, and the complete logical fallacy that is the argument "but it's realistic!"
You can have the victims and potential victims refer to [rape]. Not necessarily at great length or in much detail - if it’s such a huge presence
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I went ahead and created the community I was thinking of, thanks for everyone's advice. May I introduce to you sansa_sandor, for your book!verse and tv!verse S/S needs :D
I'm thinking about setting up a new community, but I've never run or moderated a comm before so I would appreciate any advice anyone has to give me. [More info on what I have in mind here on my tumblr.I also have some questions I hope someone can help me with
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I started re-reading GoT yesterday, to remind myself of the language and the flavour of the books as I'm reaching the climax of my fic, and I've been struck all over again at what a clever author GRRM is. The foreshadowing is just incredible -- the things he had planned out already at the very start of the first book that don't come into play until
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Disclaimer: I'm going to make reference to the books, but I haven't read past the first couple of hundred pages of book 2, so please don't spoil me for future events. Also, I haven't bothered to confine myself to episode 4, so be warned :)
Hi hi hi everyone! I'm tentatively coming out of hiatus woohoo! Tentatively because the next month may still be a bit patchy, but the vast majority of the horrendousness at work has passed and now it's just, you know, dispatching the beast while it's in death throes. I am so, so glad it's over -- never never never want five months like that again D
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